Shutdown and Turnaround Management
Optimization of time, resources and costs

New potentials through innovative technologies

Shutdown and Turnaround Management

Durch eine optimierte Planung der Revisionszeiträume hinsichtlich Zeit, Ressourcen und Kosten werden Wartungsarbeiten effizient geplant und durchgeführt, sowie Stillstandszeiten minimiert.

Shutdown and Turnaround Management

Shutdown and Turnaround Management covers the entire planning and execution of maintenance work. The objectives are to comply with maintenance intervals, enable long asset uptime, keep downtime as short as possible, avoid production losses, and minimize maintenance costs. Effective, integrated and system-supported planning and coordination is crucial.

Eine effektive Revisionsplanung ist entscheidend für den Erfolg von Wartungsaktionen während des Stillstands oder der Revision.

Overhaul planning​

Eine effektive Revisionsplanung ist entscheidend für den Erfolg von Wartungsaktionen während des Stillstands oder der Revision.

Effective overhaul planning is critical to the success of maintenance operations during shutdown or overhaul. A thorough assessment of assets to identify all required work and a detailed breakdown of necessary resources, including labor, materials and tools, are essential components of planning. A digitally optimized plan ensures that actions can be completed within the established timeframe and budget.

Stillstandsmanagement beinhaltet die Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Wartungsarbeiten.

Downtime management

Stillstandsmanagement beinhaltet die Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Wartungsarbeiten.

Downtime management involves the planning, organization and execution of maintenance work. Here, effective coordination of all necessary maintenance measures is crucial to minimize asset downtime. In addition, it includes comprehensive risk management to identify and reduce potential risks.

Overhaul planning

Effective overhaul planning is critical to the success of maintenance operations during shutdown or overhaul. A thorough assessment of assets to identify all required work and a detailed breakdown of necessary resources, including labor, materials and tools, are essential components of planning. A digitally optimized plan ensures that actions can be completed within the established timeframe and budget.

Downtime management

Downtime management involves the planning, organization and execution of maintenance work. Here, effective coordination of all necessary maintenance measures is crucial to minimize asset downtime. In addition, it includes comprehensive risk management to identify and reduce potential risks.

Eine wesentliche Anforderung ist es, dass Arbeiten während des Stillstands oder der Revision in einem sicheren Umfeld durchgeführt werden müssen.

HSE Management

Eine wesentliche Anforderung ist es, dass Arbeiten während des Stillstands oder der Revision in einem sicheren Umfeld durchgeführt werden müssen.

A key requirement is that work during shutdown or overhaul must be carried out in a safe environment. This includes identifying hazards, planning and observing precautions, and applying appropriate release processes. Effective safety management is critical to ensure the safety of personnel and assets during shutdown or overhaul.

Die Aufgabe des Turnaround Managements liegt in der Planung und Umsetzung von Umbauten und Modernisierungen.

Turnaround Management

Die Aufgabe des Turnaround Managements liegt in der Planung und Umsetzung von Umbauten und Modernisierungen.

The task of turnaround management lies in the planning and implementation of conversions and modernizations. Successful solutions from revision and turnaround management are effectively applied in this area, as similar problems, goals or added values are pursued.

HSE Management

A key requirement is that work during shutdown or overhaul must be carried out in a safe environment. This includes identifying hazards, planning and observing precautions, and applying appropriate release processes. Effective safety management is critical to ensure the safety of personnel and assets during shutdown or overhaul.

Turnaround Management

The task of turnaround management lies in the planning and implementation of conversions and modernizations. Successful solutions from shutdown and turnaround management are effectively applied in this area, as similar problems, goals or added values are pursued.

Die effektive Planung von Revisionen und Stillständen umfasst die Verteilung und Feinplanung von Aufgaben und Wartungsarbeiten auf Teams und Ressourcen.

Graphical disposition

Die effektive Planung von Revisionen und Stillständen umfasst die Verteilung und Feinplanung von Aufgaben und Wartungsarbeiten auf Teams und Ressourcen.

Effective planning of turnarounds and shutdowns involves the distribution and detailed planning of tasks and maintenance work among teams and resources. The use of visualization and integrated planning improves transparency and efficiency in the management of work orders. This provides support to monitor the progress of work and complete it on time.

Die strategische Kapazitätsplanung bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen. Sie ermöglicht eine langfristige Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung und reduziert Risiken wie Verzögerungen und Budgetüberschreitungen.

Strategic capacity planning

Die strategische Kapazitätsplanung bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen. Sie ermöglicht eine langfristige Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung und reduziert Risiken wie Verzögerungen und Budgetüberschreitungen.

Strategic capacity planning offers a variety of benefits. It enables long-term optimization of resource utilization and reduces risks such as delays and budget overruns. At the same time, it allows a flexible response to bottlenecks and the precise definition of time budgets, resulting in smooth processes. Internal and external resources and availabilities are planned effectively, resiliently and in the long term.

Graphical disposition

Effective planning of turnarounds and shutdowns involves the distribution and detailed planning of tasks and maintenance work among teams and resources. The use of visualization and integrated planning improves transparency and efficiency in the management of work orders. This provides support to monitor the progress of work and complete it on time.

Strategic capacity planning

Strategic capacity planning offers a variety of benefits. It enables long-term optimization of resource utilization and reduces risks such as delays and budget overruns. At the same time, it allows a flexible response to bottlenecks and the precise definition of time budgets, resulting in smooth processes. Internal and external resources and availabilities are planned effectively, resiliently and in the long term.

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