Maintenance overview with Insight Desktop®

Do the standard dialogs of your EAM system not fit your working methods?

Do you want to give external companies only limited access to your data?

Is data from different systems relevant for your decisions?

Do you need lightweight tools for scheduling work?

Why can’t I search my warehouse for suitable materials in my EAM system as easily as in an online store?

With the lowcode platform Insight Desktop, you can present all relevant information for your use cases in a user-friendly way. Data from different systems is made accessible in a uniform, contemporary user interface for both evaluation and editing.

With views that are specially optimized for maintenance, such as Gantt charts and network diagrams, you get the fastest possible overview of your maintenance and rebuilding activities.

Do the standard dialogs of your EAM system not suit your working methods?

Do you want to give external companies only limited access to your data?

Is data from different systems relevant for your decisions?

Do you need lightweight tools for scheduling work?

Why can’t I search my warehouse for suitable materials in my EAM system as easily as in an online store?

With the lowcode platform Insight Desktop, you can present all relevant information for your use cases in a user-friendly way. Data from different systems is made accessible in a uniform, contemporary user interface for both evaluation and editing.

With views specially optimized for maintenance, such as Gantt charts and network diagrams, you get the fastest possible overview of your maintenance and conversion measures.

The portal for your maintenance experts

Connectivity: Access to all relevant data, regardless of whether it comes from your ERP, EAM, MES or a legacy system.

Visualisation: Multiple perspectives enable a consistent user experience when presenting, editing, and analyzing data.

Flexibility: Thanks to the flexible low-code approach, applications tailored to your workflows can be designed from this in a short time – from smart mobile use cases to comprehensive expert systems.

Ready to Use: Use cases optimized for maintenance, such as deployment planning or mobile order feedback, are already available out-of-the-box.

Insight Desktop erweitert die Navigation von EAM-Lösungen um ein linkes Navigationspanel sowie um Such- und weitere Funktionen

Integratability & Individuality

Components of Insight Desktop

Insight Planning

Auf diesem Bild sieht man das Logo des Produkts Insight X-Ray


Individually configurable

Interactive charts for displaying work and resource allocation
(capacity and schedule planning)

Capacity planning across multiple maintenance management systems through (multi-) backend integration

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Insight Dashboard

Auf diesem Bild sieht man das Logo des Produkts Insight Desktop


Individually configurable

Fast development

Online analysis of indexed data from
different platforms

  • Interactive searches
  • Flexible filtering

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Insight Explorer

Auf diesem Bild sieht man das Logo des Produkts Insight Map

View - Select - Navigate - Act

The seamlessly integrated navigation tree can display any conceivable data hierarchy. The data here can come from EAM systems such as IBM Maximo or other data pools. The display of the configured data structure allows quick navigation to any object.

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Insight x-Ray

Auf diesem Bild sieht man das Logo des Produkts Insight Control Panel

Search – Find – Act

Time-consuming complex searches in different applications are replaced by the use of a single search box that searches and finds across a defined data pool.

Insight X-Ray is a module of our maintenance portal Insight Control Panel for desktop and mobile users.

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Insight Map

Auf diesem Bild sieht man das Logo des Produkts Insight Mobile

View - Select - Navigate - Act

Insight Map extends the functionality of EAM systems such as IBM Maximo with a new, intuitive and user-friendly way of navigation. The integrated map view allows different maps and images to be used, from a bird’s eye view for large areas to a room map.

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